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LiveCell A Novel Eric Green 9781937644178 Books

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Download PDF LiveCell A Novel Eric Green 9781937644178 Books

Visionary loner Jay Chevalier develops a revolutionary cell phone, pulsing with a living, biogenetic core, that offers free calls with untraceable privacy, completely negating established business models.

LiveCell gobbles market share and initiates a grassroots movement of social change, but the pushback from the communications industry is swift and ruthless. Jay’s invention will change the world―if he can stay alive.

Nonstop action, ill-destined love, and a tragically relevant plea for social change will propel you through this thriller at neural-network speed.  

LiveCell A Novel Eric Green 9781937644178 Books

There have been books that spend so long on character development I've put them down before finishing, and there've been thrillers that are so thrilling, they forgot to explain who the people are, so I don't really care about their adventures. LiveCell was the perfect combination of character color and suspense. Neither too heavy, both are easy to follow, and satisfying respectively. As a scifi fan, there was the angle of new tech mixed with a sub text that I won't spoil by revealing here, but was compelling to me as a scifi fan in that it teases how the world could be, both for the better and worse. I recommend the book. Get it. Burn through it. It's a lot of fun.

Product details

  • Paperback 288 pages
  • Publisher Tilbury House Publishers (March 12, 2013)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 1937644170

Read LiveCell A Novel Eric Green 9781937644178 Books

Tags : LiveCell: A Novel [Eric Green] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. <strong>Visionary loner Jay Chevalier develops a revolutionary cell phone, pulsing with a living, biogenetic core,Eric Green,LiveCell: A Novel,Tilbury House Publishers,1937644170,FICTION General,FICTION Thrillers General,Fiction,Fiction - Espionage Thriller,General,MysterySuspense,Thrillers - General
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LiveCell A Novel Eric Green 9781937644178 Books Reviews

This is a most excellent story, on many levels.

This novel has an eclectic but unbigoted group of characters with whom I felt completely comfortable, starting with a cowboy ranch-hand named Garland "Hank" McKeen, an uncomplicated, laid-back, and guileless soul who drives a vehicle that sounds and looks exactly like mine. I'd hang out with this guy!

The story itself then sucked me in whole and entire, and after about half-way through, all hell breaks loose, ratcheting into a spine-chilling crescendo of events that was so engrossing that it was all but impossible to put down, until the epilogue threw out the parachute and brought it all to a very satisfying rest.

It's also a morality play of sorts- the meek and downtrodden, the average joes, acting with pride and principle, get to prove their worth, and show that even the most common and pedestrian of humans caught up in their birth-right and circumstance can elevate themselves, given some respect, trust, and a fighting chance. There's a very poignant and important lesson to be learned from Jay Chevalier if you treat someone as the person they would like to become, they will most usually become that. If in this day and age everyone could take this to heart, this Earth would be a better place.

But in this current world of self-serving noise, corporate greed, wretched excess from financial institutions, self-absorbed and self-aggrandizing politicians, and rampant narcissism everywhere, this book was a welcomed breath of very fresh air.

It must have been intentional on the author's part, (the correlations are so spot-on), but there is a fascinating sub-text that runs throughout the entire story, and the realization changes the whole character of the plot. I'll be curious if someone else sees it- I don't want to give it away and spoil the revelation.

Also, I loved the scene-settings the gorgeous prose made it feel like it was written by a poet. There is a Christmas scene that is simply beautifully done, and a description of Oregon coastline that is so drop-dead real that I could not only see it, I could hear the ocean, smell the pine, and feel the fog. This book is full of these- it is a huge part of its charm. Well, turns out it's no surprise. I did a Google-search, and though I couldn't find any other books by this author, I did discover that his prodigious talents are multi-faceted. The reader will then have one more surprise when this book is in hand.

Well done, Eric Green. Hope you take up the word-processor again in the near future!
I WANT a Livecell phone! The premise, storyline, characters and outcome all are very compelling and believable in this modern novel; and I am sorry that the actual cellphone he describes is fictional. Maybe, I hope, the author is as prophetic as Phiilip K. Dick about futuristic products that come true, possibly inspired by this kind of imaginative storytelling. Of course, I prefer totally happy endings. (I won't spoil it for folks not finishing the book), but the New Testament echo perhaps was ultimately the best path for the author to take for his message of hope against overwhelming dark forces in our present world. Buy the book, take the journey.
I was fortunate enough to have been told about a great science fiction mystery book called, Live cell, and written by Eric Green.
As a fairly new and budding author myself, I find myself interested in reading other peoples works, hoping to gain some vital information along the way that just might help me in my own future career. Once I started reading the book Live cell, I found that I simply couldn't put it down.
Eric, as the Live Cell author, has written this scientific, mystery masterpiece in such a way that leaves an individual wondering what's about to happen next. I found it extremely hard to leave Live Cell for any length of time.
I believe that Live Cell could, and should, be made into a great mystery movie. Without a shadow of doubt, it certainly would rank up there amongst one of the very best.
Eric Green has a personal life and artistic and writing style that in many ways is paralleled to my own. I've learned that Mr. Green is a well known wildlife sketch artist, something I myself am invovled in. We both, at one time or another, wrote a column for a local community paper. And now, we both have become author's in our own rights. So it is, that I find Eric Green in many ways to be an individual I can personally relate to.
I urge anyone who is seeking a good scientific mystery novel, mixed in with a touch of real life experiences, including love and other personal issues, to purchase Live Cell for yourself. See if you have the ability to easily put Live Cell aside for any length of time without wondering what's about to happen next!
Live Cell is one of the better fictional stories I've ever read and is in every way a GREAT READ.
There have been books that spend so long on character development I've put them down before finishing, and there've been thrillers that are so thrilling, they forgot to explain who the people are, so I don't really care about their adventures. LiveCell was the perfect combination of character color and suspense. Neither too heavy, both are easy to follow, and satisfying respectively. As a scifi fan, there was the angle of new tech mixed with a sub text that I won't spoil by revealing here, but was compelling to me as a scifi fan in that it teases how the world could be, both for the better and worse. I recommend the book. Get it. Burn through it. It's a lot of fun.
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