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[JGA]≡ [PDF] Gratis The Big Ten Beginnings Series Books 1 10 edition by Jacqueline Druga Literature Fiction eBooks

The Big Ten Beginnings Series Books 1 10 edition by Jacqueline Druga Literature Fiction eBooks

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Download PDF The Big Ten Beginnings Series Books 1  10  edition by Jacqueline Druga Literature  Fiction eBooks

The Big Ten is an omnibus. It is the complete first ten books of the Beginnings Series.

A plague has wiped out humanity and a new civilization emerges. Tucked safely behind their iron walls, protected from the horrors of the plague-ravaged world, the citizens of this community live as if the rest of the world doesn’t exist. Their own ways of life are often comical and heartbreaking. But it’s their world … welcome to Beginnings, Montana

The Big Ten not only contains the first ten books of the Beginnings Series, it also includes bonus material Character Breakdowns, a map of Beginnings, and Robbie’s Tale The Lost Ripples.

The Big Ten Beginnings Series Books 1 10 edition by Jacqueline Druga Literature Fiction eBooks

This series is both one of my favorite PA series, and my least favorite all at once. I love the premise. It's well thought out, and you don't really know for sure what's going to happen next. It would make a fantastic TV series if the characters were drawn just a tad more maturely. As it stands, it's a contest as to which character you hate (and want to slap silly) the most. This series really doesn't have a hero or heroine, and it badly needs some the characters to grow up.

However, I can't stress enough how important it is for the author to have these books edited professionally. The grammar is terrible, sentence syntax is awkward (to say the least), and there are both run-on and truncated sentences. All of the above distracts me from my enjoyment of the plot. Its as though the author dashes them off, and publishes them without even a cursory re-read. I doubt she even uses spell-check.

If the above issues were addressed, this would be my favorite series of this genre. As written, I can't give it more than 3 stars because the author's creativity is overshadowed by the many immature characters and the non-existent editing.

Product details

  • File Size 6013 KB
  • Print Length 4424 pages
  • Simultaneous Device Usage Unlimited
  • Publication Date September 5, 2013
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language English

Read The Big Ten Beginnings Series Books 1  10  edition by Jacqueline Druga Literature  Fiction eBooks

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The Big Ten Beginnings Series Books 1 10 edition by Jacqueline Druga Literature Fiction eBooks Reviews

First the good. I really like these stories, I enjoy post-apocalyptic SF, and this is an interesting take on that popular theme. I've read several of Ms. Druga's books now, and while I found "The Flu" to be perhaps her best work because of its emotional impact, I actually enjoy this series more because it's not as heart-wrenching to read but instead is just good entertainment. The series moves along at a good pace and the plots are interesting, as are a lot of the characters, although I honestly don't understand why people care so much about Ellen or Frank, who come across as annoying and obnoxiously stupid, respectively. Which is too bad since they're two of the three central characters to the whole series -- but I'm still giving the series 4 stars because while I really don't like Ellen or Frank, I suspect that's perhaps a reaction the author isn't surprised to get the way she drew these characters. And they aren't two-dimensional, whatever else you may say about them.

But I took away one star -- and was tempted to take away two -- because holy jeez, these books DESPERATELY need some decent editing! The errors are on nearly every page, and they range from typos to awkward grammar to just plain bad grammar -- things like "Her and Frank" -- to wrong words altogether -- "rationing" for "rationale." Even just some decent copy editing or even a decent proofreader would help! After reading for a while, even though I'm engrossed by the story, I get SO distracted and after a while just plain pissed off at the sloppy lack of editing that I have to stop and calm myself down again before continuing. It's just jarring to be knocked out of a story by glaring errors that jump off the page so constantly.

Please, Ms. Druga, do your readers a favor and get the help of at least a copy editor if not a full-fledged structural editor! Heck, I'll volunteer to do it myself if need be! I suspect there are a lot of readers out there like me who find this lack of decent editing -- or even decent proofreading! -- to be the biggest problem with self-published works, and this book unfortunately is a vivid example of this problem.

Edited to add Ms. Druga responded promptly when I sent her the gist of this review, and will be taking steps in the near future to fix the copy editing problems. So fear not, other picky readers, you soon will hopefully find things cleaned up a lot better! I'm restoring the star I took away because of her instant positive reaction to my contacting her; that was my only quibble with the series.
The premise of a man-made plague almost wiping out the human race is not a new one and the fact that it’s been done many times doesn’t deflect from any new books as long as they have another new hook to hang it on. No one has done this theme better than Stephen King in The Stand. The difference in The Beginnings series, however, is that a safe, fenced, and fairly protected refuge had been prepared for select survivors and our main group of characters (called the Originals) found out about it and made their way there. And I found that intriguing and wanting me to go on and find out more.

I’ve read the 10-book volume and I have to say that I almost gave it up several times. Curiosity made me continue. There is nothing bad about the story line and I could have enjoyed it very much except for two of the principal characters. When you just can’t stand two of the main characters, it’s often hard to continue because you don’t really give a rat’s rear what happens to them only in so far as it will affect characters that you do like. The 10 books are about struggles to begin the community, deal with a shortage of women, deal with threatening outside forces and, ultimately, inside “mole” traitors. So far, so good and enjoyable. But, some of the characters. Meh! I have never disliked a female heroine in a piece of fiction as much as Ellen…whiny, self-centered, selfish, and manipulative. The author tried to retrieve her character in the last couple of the books but it was just too late for me. The same with Frank, his personality flaws were different but worse in some ways…a bully. The author did manage a small retrieval on him.

I don’t imagine I’ll continue with the rest of the books (I think the author has written around 20 in this saga of Beginnings!). I know all I need to know about the characters. Ms. Druga has a nice way of telling a lot of the story with conversation rather than narrative. However, sometimes there would be page after page of a character arguing with another character, none of which added anything to the story. (Ellen and Frank argued a lot with everyone). Actually, that got tiresome and I just began to skim over those parts. And I can’t see reading 10 more volumes. Although there were several good things about the book, I just couldn’t give it more than 3 stars for having been subjected to being irritated by Ellen for the length of the series in order to see what loose ends were tied up at the end. It left you hanging but I’m in no way tempted to go on
This series is both one of my favorite PA series, and my least favorite all at once. I love the premise. It's well thought out, and you don't really know for sure what's going to happen next. It would make a fantastic TV series if the characters were drawn just a tad more maturely. As it stands, it's a contest as to which character you hate (and want to slap silly) the most. This series really doesn't have a hero or heroine, and it badly needs some the characters to grow up.

However, I can't stress enough how important it is for the author to have these books edited professionally. The grammar is terrible, sentence syntax is awkward (to say the least), and there are both run-on and truncated sentences. All of the above distracts me from my enjoyment of the plot. Its as though the author dashes them off, and publishes them without even a cursory re-read. I doubt she even uses spell-check.

If the above issues were addressed, this would be my favorite series of this genre. As written, I can't give it more than 3 stars because the author's creativity is overshadowed by the many immature characters and the non-existent editing.
Ebook PDF The Big Ten Beginnings Series Books 1  10  edition by Jacqueline Druga Literature  Fiction eBooks

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